Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Article Nimra Aamir Pathan

 by Nimra Aamir Pathan

Class: BS-II (2nd Semester)
Roll No. 2k15/MC/103
Types of Middle Class in Society and their Lives

Our society is based on three different dimensions that includes, upper class, lower class and middle class. Upper class spend lives easily they get all the luxuries by birth through inheritance while, lower class spend their lives in deprivation and they do not even get their basic needs. Talking about middle class, they are sandwich class. These white collar workers have more money than those below them on the social ladder but less than those above them. They divide into two levels according to wealth, education and prestige. The lower middle class is often made up of less educated people with lower incomes, such as managers, small business owns, teachers and secretaries. The upper middle class is often made up of highly educated business and professional people with high income, such as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers and CEOs. They are not living luxurious nor they are deprived. They try to get betterment in their financial state, they are depressed financially as well as psychologically.

Middle class Pakistani adults constituted 0.9% of the world wide middle class population. Pakistan has 28th largest middle class in the world. Middle class in Pakistan consist of over 6.27 million people according to Credit Suisse, a global financial services company. The study revealed that 14% of world adults constituted the middle class on 2015 and held 32% of world wealth the share of middle class adults in Pakistan’s total adults population 111 million was 5.7% in 2015 as opposed to in India’s 3% and Australia’s 66% in 2015, more than one third of Pakistani population can be categories as middle class.

Agricultural based middle class depends on feudal. They do not even get one-fourth share of crops. They work in the farms from dawn to dusk but do not get fruitful result of their hard work. They are always in fear. Sometimes they are afraid of their so called masters, the feudal to whom the land belongs, and sometimes fears from the natural disasters, like rains, storms, floods. Due to these natural disasters their crops are damaged and they are unable to get their share.

Civil services based society depends on governmental salaries. They can be assigned in the jobs like corporate and etc. If we compare Europe with Asia European corporate get more income as compared to Asian. Here, in Pakistan the civil based society is uncertain as they are reliant on the governmental salaries. If any mishap occurs, they are fired or terminated. More than three months, they do not even get salaries and hence face the crisis. They become unable to fulfil their basic needs and cannot pay fee of their children. So, the child of middle class family is being deprived of the education.

People of business based middle class are commonly entrepreneurs, consultants or shopkeepers. They are not dependent nor do they have fear of any authorities like governmental officials or feudal. They start their business on a small measure & work on it. They can set small hotels, industries etc. and get profit from them. They produce the commodities which are used by all classes through the profit & increment of their shares in society. They can easily increase their business. For example, Arif Builders and Developers, a well-known business work. He must has started his work on a small industry and through hard work he gain much and much profit. Now, he is a person and his business has got a huge fame and recognition in Pakistan. In the same way, J. has also started his short business and now he is known as a great designer.

Through all the above facts and discussions, we can conclude that agricultural based middle class has not communication opportunity and they are dependent on feudal in the same manner, civil services based society also depends on governmental salaries but they have communication skills as well as a provided opportunities to communicate through corporation while business based and self-employed middle class does not depends on any one.

Our society is facing crisis due to this fact that middle class society is not getting opportunity to communicate with the world. Those who are farming crops are the victims they are not provided better facilities to communicate and while business class earn on their own and through their business they communicate with each class though it is upper class or middle class. They can change the society because they have enough potential as they are getting profit and are progressing they can also assure the progress of society and can work for its betterment.

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