Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Profile Sohail Saleem Deswali by Hamza

Profile should carry photo also
Roll Number: MC/2K15/51                        
 Profile  Sohail Saleem Deswali 

There are few people who get what they want to get or to do in their life because of their hard work, Sohail Saleem Deswali is one of them.
In fact, if you spend any amount of time with him during working hours in his office  or on his job, whether he gets work done from his employees, teaches or criticizes them for their mistakes. But more than that he knows or reads his employees mind. In his workplace hardly a person can walk without Sohail's rapport.
One of oldest employee Yasir, who says that he has been working with him from eight years. he taught about the field of graphic designing and as a teacher he is one of the best teacher ever.
"Our harmony of work becomes stronger as the time passes," Yasir says    
"A famous business man DhiruBhai Ambani said that If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to the build their",  He fulfills this quote in his life told by his friend.
Being a son of a famous drama director he has a lot of  creative skills and techniques of work but he knows that striving for success without hard work is meaningless.
 He always says "If opportunity doesn't knocks, build a door and failure is simply opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently" and the dawn of hope always come from the darkness of hopelessness. His personality is full of persistence and perspiration.
He always quote the sayings of Bill Gates that If you born poor it's not you mistake, But If you die poor it's your mistake, told by Sohail's friend.
First learn then remove the word "L" from it he always follow this perception. He is the inspiration of the people of who is  surround to him.
He always do constructive criticism instead of destructive criticism to his juniors and employees of his office because they can vanish their imperfection from them.
"He always taught us about endurance, about having a good attitude towards life, taking each day as adventure" told by his cousin.
A man who never neglect any one and is a role model for everyone to whom is in contact. He wants every person i.e. student, employee or relative who belongs to him successful person in society.
One of his more interesting experience is when he sang a song while recording in his studio with his friend Ali.
Ali reported that he has a beautiful singing voice. "The first time I ever heard him singing a rock, I just wept," He says.
Abdul Rehman, who's known Sohail for as long as he can remember, describes him simply as a trustworthy and remarkable, giving person."You'd never want a better friend and teacher than Sohail Saleem Deswali," he says.

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