Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Profile of Sohail Sangi

BS :PART 2,  ROLL NO: 2K15/MC 103

Belonging to a middle class family is not a curse, but accepting it as a fate and doing nothing to change the circumstances is a curse. A man of about 60 years with grey eyes hailing from a poor family of Janjhi village of district Tharparkar, Sohail Sangi, never bothered of class family rather took it as challenge.

Sohail Sangi was born in October 1950. In his home town, all his relatives and friends used to call him ‘Saiyan’. He got his early education from his village. Their financial conditions were not so good, so he was unable to go town for further studies, as at that time in his village there was not a high school due to which after a lot of efforts he move toward Hyderabad to complete his education and got admission in college. Sohail has his first job as salesman at a book shop in Hyderabad. His monthly income was just Rs 60 at that time.
He is well connected with society since his student life always trying to bring change. Whenever he writes something as an editor, sub-editor or reporter, all his writings are in favour of public interest, says a senior journalist Ali Hassan.

He is a senior and trilingual journalist and at the same time working as a visiting faculty in Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. Everybody calls him ''saien'' over there. He is regularly appearing as guest in talk shows on Sindhi TV channels. He did his M.A from University of Sindh, but due to his command on journalism and readings in media he was appointed as visiting faulty. He joined journalism in mid 70s and worked with Daily Ibrat, Daily Safeer, Daily Awami Awaz and Daily Kawish. He was the founding editor of first computerised Sindhi newspaper Awami Awaz, and pioneer of resistance journalism.

Sangi was associated with Left wing party was arrested in July 1980 along with Badar Abro, Prof Jamal Naqvi, Kamal Warsi, Jam Saqi because he was in favour of socialism in the Zia martial law. He was imprisoned for five years, in this case which was known as Jam Saqi case.

Sohail got married with a lady of his own choice in the year of 1971, who was his comrade as well. He has 4 kids and 2 brothers. His father, Muhammad Ramzan is an aged man who worked as a farmer in his own village.
 By nature he is giver, he helps others and feels happy. He is not inspired by any of personality. He has an immense talent to map out the area of a person to whom he is talking and can easily tell the area where he lives.
Making new friends and travelling is his hobby. He is fond of travel a lot and never gets tired of it. He is well known personality of Sindh. He does not only encourage the good students but also support the non-rational students. He does not only support students in educational and professional matter but also in personal issues.
A typical Thari as well as journalist in nature, Sohail started smoking when he was a college student. Smoking became his habit as no one was there to stop him or monitor him. He is a chain smoker. Everyone has some positive points as well as there are some negativities. In my point of view, he is extremist in relationships. If he loves than loves beyond the limit and when it comes to dislike it is also on its extreme. He talks in a low tone that if a person is standing to some distance cannot hear him clearly. And when asking him to repeat he replies so loudly.
Badar Abro, one of his friends calls him ''fellow of jail'' and says, Sohail is a frank man and spending time in jail with him was a memorable time. Many people try to hide that they were imprisoned but he tells his life story without any hesitation.
Sohail never discriminates in gender. He believes in equality and says if I can insult a boy in group I can also scold any girl in front of a crowd.
Very kind hearted but still straightforward person Sangi, a man having a bright smile on his face seems like he is very happy but deep inside, he is broken just because of his wife and long political and personal struggle.  In this hardships and courageous efforts to the journey of journalism he has faced a lot. Still continuing writing and rising the country current affairs. Recently he highlighted the Thar  being constructed  by coal mining company in Thar. In Sindh Literature Festival 2016, there was a session by him for such case.

He is the man who possesses the live and affection towards ''THAR'' and that is why the only reason behind his optional name Sangi.

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